As an Austmine member, you have access to a free 1300 010 536 legal hotline.
The following Terms and Conditions apply.
1. Jackson McDonald (JM) will provide a “general enquiry” Members Hotline service for Austmine members in relation to members legal queries.
2. Those queries are expected to relate to commercial law queries, but are not expressly limited to such queries. By way of example, members may have queries in the following areas:
a. Intellectual Property
b. Privacy
c. Contracts and Joint Ventures
d. Business acquisition
e. Insurance
f. Tax and estate planning
g. Property
h. Energy
i. Raile – access arrangements
j. Workplace relations and safety
k. Contract claims and disputes
3. Austmine members will be entitled to a 30-minute engagement with JM’s lawyers, by telephone only.
4. Members must provide confirmation of membership (the Hotline Service is not available to general members of the public)
5. Hotline Services comprise the giving of general legal guidance only. Services do NOT comprise the giving of legal advice (whether written or oral) and no retainer will be entered into as between the JM and the enquirer.
6. JM agrees to provide reasonable efforts to make its lawyers available to answer phone queries from Austmine members during normal working hours on Monday – Friday, business days only.
7. Calls will not be recorded. No details of the Hotline caller’s identity shall be retained or recorded.
8. The nature of the enquiry shall be recorded (in JM’s discretion)
9. If an Austmine member instructs JM to provide legal services outside the scope of the Hotline Services and JM accepts that instruction, then:
a. JM will as appropriate, either undertake the work at discounted rates or at agreed fixed fees, or at JM’s standard rates; and
b. otherwise, the member will be JM’s client and JM’s standard retainer and engagement terms will apply.
10. The Austmine Hotline Service shall be provided for an initial 12 period commencing on 5 August 2024 and operating until 5 August 2025 – or as extended by agreement.
11. Either Austmine or JM can bring the Hotline Service to an end by providing one month written notice.